Thank you for visiting Midwest Native Coalition for Justice and Peace. We are here to share with you the great things happening within our organization and across Kansas. Look around, click links, and enjoy some photos. Welcome to the MNCJP family!
With your support, MNCJP will have the resources to better advocate and serve our Tribal communities across Kansas. Your gift will allow our organization to go beyond grant limitations and develop creative and comprehensive resources to better advocate for victim safety and offender accountability. Your partnership is key to our success in developing community driven responses and resources for our native populations in Kansas.
As a 501c3 Non profit organization, your donations not only help MNCJP better serve Kansas but also may be claimed as a deduction on your federal taxes.
Join us in our journey and enjoy some MNCJP selfies, small celebrations, and exciting times as we advocate and grow!
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This project was supported by Grant No. 2019-IW-AX-0117 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. Copyri © 2020 Midwest Native Coalition for Justice and Peace - All Rights Reserved.